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Executive Board

Judy Kim (University of California, San Diego) - Executive Chair

Elisabeth A. Wade (Mills College) - Secretary and Webmaster

Nien-Hui Ge (University of California, Irvine) - Treasurer

James E. Patterson (Brigham Young University) - Fundraising

David L. Osborn (Sandia National Laboratories) - Member-at-Large

International Advisory Board

Matthew C. Asplund (Brigham Young University)

Connor Easley (student member, UC Riverside)

Blake Erickson (student member, UC Berkeley)

Michael Heaven (Emory University)

Kelly M. Hunter (student member, UC San Diego)

Anne Myers Kelley (UC Merced)

Gilbert M. Nathanson (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

Scott A. Reid (Marquette University)

Lenny Sheps (Sandia National Laboratories)

John F. Stanton (University of Texas at Austin)

Ward H. Thompson (University of Kansas)

Adam J. Trevitt (University of Wollogong)

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